Student: Alice Becari
USP Number: 10331158
Origin institution: Medical School of the University of São Paulo
Period: from 04/01/2021 to 03/31/2022
Scholarship: no scholarship - Institutional USP 2021/513
Research project: Assessment of anastomosis training on simulators in the residency of the Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Service of Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP
Student: Ana Flávia Sanchez
USP Number: 10581467
Origin institution: Faculdade das Américas - FAM
Period: from 01/10/2021 to 30/09/2022
Scholarship: no PIBIC Institutional USP 2021/3570 scholarship
Research project: "Prophylactic administration of methylene blue in patients at high risk of
vasoplegic syndrome in cardiac surgeries: randomized clinical trial".
Student: Ariel Ortega Miranda
USP Number: 13480539
Origin institution: Uninove Medical School
Period: from 01/12/2021 to 30/11/2022
Scholarship: no scholarship Institutional USP 2021/3984
Research project: "Influence of the chronic use of dipyrone in the variation of erythrocyte count,
leukocyte and platelet counts in patients with chronic pain".
Student: Ariadne Maso Miranda
USP Number: 12758359
Origin institution: Universidade Anhembi Morumbi - UAM
Period: from 01/09/2021 to 31/08/2022
Scholarship: with CNPq/PIBIC scholarship 2021/1505
Research project: "Evaluation of the quality of life of patients with Apert Syndrome after multidisciplinary treatment
Student: Beatriz Maria Siaulys Palma da Fonseca
USP Number: 12403735
Origin institution: Vancouver University, Canada, Psychology student
Period: from 04/01/2021 to 03/31/2022
Scholarship: no Institutional USP 2021/433
Research project: "Cognitive outcome of ICU patients with COVID-19: a prospective
prospective observational study (subproject)".
Student: Beatriz Mascarenhas Dias
USP Number: 10768711
Origin institution: University of São Paulo Medical School
Period: from 01/08/2021 to 31/07/2022
Scholarship: with FAPESP scholarship 2018/00234-5
Research project: "The use of non-enzymatic stromal vascular fraction to improve bone grafting in patients with tertiary alveolar cleft: a prospective, randomized, controlled clinical study"
Student: Bruno Perini
USP Number: 12774243
Origin institution: Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul
Period: from 01/09/2021 to 31/08/2022
Scholarship: with scholarship - CNPq/PIBIC 2021/1100
Research project: "Quality improvement project to reduce preoperative fasting time for clear liquids in pediatric patients
Student: Eduardo Pio Cunha
USP Number: 13142142
Origin institution: University of São Paulo Medical School
Scholarship period: 01/08/2021 to 31/07/2022
Scholarship: no scholarship USP Institution 2021/3000
Research project: "Effect of 17 beta-estradiol replacement in pre-pubertal and young rats on pain perception in pain perception in a postoperative pain model".
Student: Estevão Kenzo Uemura de Oliveira
USP Number: 11269265
Origin institution: Faculdade de Medicina da USP
Period: from 03/01/2021 to 08/31/2022
Scholarship: with CNPq/PIBIC scholarship - 2021/371
Research project: "Prone position in patients with acute respiratory failure due to SARS-COV 2".
Student: Gabriel de Paula Maroni Escudeiro
USP Number: 9834195
Origin institution: University of São Paulo Medical School
Period: from 04/01/2021 to 03/31/2022
Scholarship: no scholarship - Institucional USP 2021/512
Research project: Evaluation of anastomosis training on simulators in the residency of the Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Service of the Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP
Student: Giovanna Layse Uyeda
USP number: 10769010
Institution of origin: Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo
Period: from 01/08/2021 to 31/07/2022
Scholarship: with FAPESP scholarship 2021/01412-7
Research project: "The use of non-enzymatic stromal vascular fraction to improve bone grafting in patients with tertiary alveolar cleft: a prospective, randomized, controlled clinical study"
Student: Jhenyfer Matos da Rosa
USP Number: 11287922
Origin institution: University of São Paulo Medical School
Period: from 01/09/2021 to 31/08/2022
Scholarship: with scholarship - CNPq/PIBIC - 2021/547
Research Project: "Confection and validation of a silicone model to study hemodynamics in May-Thurner Syndrome
Student: João Guilherme Furtado de Souza
USP Number: 10768861
Origin institution: University of São Paulo Medical School
Period: from 01/09/2021 to 31/08/2022
Scholarship: with CNPq/PIBIC 2021/2309 scholarship
Research project: "Evaluation of the clinicopathological and epidemiological profile of patients with oral cancer
and prospective collection of saliva samples".
Student: Júlia Mendonça do Vale
USP Number: 13422311
Origin institution: Uninove Medical School
Period: from 01/11/2021 to 01/11/2022
Scholarship: no scholarship Institutional USP 2021/3955
Research project: "Validation of the Pain Medication Questionnaire (PMQ) into Portuguese
Student: Natasha Passos Nunes
USP number: 10791534
Origin institution: University of São Paulo Medical School
Period: from 12/08/2021 to 11/08/2022
Scholarship: no scholarship - Institucional USP 2021/2949
Research Project: "Assessment of thromboembolic outcomes in critically ill patients with COVID-19: Observational, prospective, unicenter study"
Student: Pedro Oliveira Dias Martins
USP Number: 9790408
Origin institution: University of São Paulo Medical School
Period: from 12/08/2021 to 30/09/2022
Scholarship: with FAPESP scholarship 2021/08168-4
Research project: "Prevalence of Cognitive Dysfunction after Cardiac Surgery
Student: Raphael Tzung Lima Soares
USP Number: 9833318
Origin institution: University of São Paulo Medical School
Period: from 01/09/2021 to 31/08/2022
Scholarship: with CNPq/PIBIC 2021/1842 scholarship
Research Project: Creation of an algorithm for monitoring patients with chronic wounds
Student: Sumaia Sobral da Fonseca
USP Number: 10767690
Origin: São Paulo University School of Medicine
Period: from 09/13/2021 to 08/31/2022
Scholarship: with CNPq/PIBIC 2021/2400 scholarship
Research project: "The relationship between social determinants and food choices and their impact on the prevalence of metabolic diseases: a cross-sectional study."
Student: Thiago Silva de Moraes Santos
USP Number: 11256625
Origin institution: University of São Paulo Medical School
Period: from 07/01/2021 to 06/31/2022
Scholarship: with FAPESP scholarship 2021/02982-1
Research project: "Influence of body position on intracranial pressure during general anesthesia
Student: Victor Hondo Silva de Moraes
USP Number: 11789196
Origin institution: University of São Paulo Medical School
Period: from 01/06/2020 to 31/05/2022
Scholarship: awaiting FAPESP scholarship
Research Project: "Evaluation of risk factors and outcomes in critically ill patients with COVID-19: A prospective cohort
Student: Vinícius Alcantara de Oliveira Costa
USP Number: 10331252
Origin institution: University of São Paulo Medical School
Period: from 01/10/2021 to 31/09/2022
Scholarship: with FAPESP scholarship 2021/00133-7
Research project: "Efficacy of low dose hydrocortisone in vasoplegic shock after cardiac surgery: randomized clinical trial".
Student: Vinícios de Moraes Alves
USP Number: 10791426
Origin institution: University of São Paulo Medical School
Period: from 09/14/2021 to 08/31/2022
Scholarship: with scholarship - CNPq/ PIBIC - 2021/529
Research project: "Splenic abscess associated with infective endocarditis: study of cases in a tertiary service
Student: Yasmin Sá Cerqueira
USP Number: 12536070
Origin institution: University of São Paulo Medical School
Period: from 01/09/2021 to 31/08/2022
Scholarship: with CNPq/PIBIC 2021/2477 scholarship
Research project: "What is the best approach at the end of life in patients with advanced
epidermoid carcinoma of the upper aerodigestory tract? Retrospective evaluation of the impact of palliative
palliative care in the end-of-life phase"