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Title: Blood coagulation during elective craniotomy: influence of hemodilution with or without 20% mannitol
Student: Helio Halpern
Advisor: Eugesse Cremonesi
Date of defense: 10/08/1995
Performance: Anesthesiologist and researcher at the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein in São Paulo. Assistential and research activities.


Title: Valved breathing systems with absorption of 'CO IND. 2': heating and humidification capacity of inhaled gases in 3 types of assemblies used in anesthesia equipment in Brazil
Student: Marcelo Luis Abramides Torres
Advisor: Eugesse Cremonesi
Date of defense: 04/08/1995
Performance: Professor of Anesthesiology at FMUSP, with participation in the undergraduate and medical residency programs. Assistential, teaching and research activities.


Title: Nitric oxide effects on hemodynamics, blood oxygenation and respiratory mechanics: study in patients with pulmonary hypertension in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery.
Student: Maria José Carvalho Carmona
Advisor: José Otávio Costa Auler Junior
Date of defense: 16/05/1995
Performance: Professor of Anesthesiology at FMUSP, with participation in the undergraduate course, in the postgraduate program in Anesthesiology, Surgical Sciences and Perioperative Medicine and in the Medical Residency Program. Assisting, teaching and research activities.

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