Title: Systemic and regional hemodynamic effects of volume resuscitation with hypertonic and isoncotic saline solution guided by mixed venous oxygen saturation in an experimental model of septic shock
Student: Luciana Rahal Abrahão
Advisor: Luiz Francisco Poli de Figueiredo
Date of defense: 07/10/2008
Performance: Teacher at ABC School of Medicine and intensivist physician at Santo André Hospital Center. Assisting and teaching activities.
Title: Early treatment of septic shock with dexamethasone: comparative monitoring with serum C-reactive protein and amyloid A protein
Student: Domingos Dias Cicarelli
Advisor: Fabio Ely Martins Benseñor
Date of defense: 13/08/2008
Performance: Anesthesiologist of Instituto Central do Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP and Hospital Universitário da USP, participating as preceptor of the Medical Residency Program in Anesthesiology. Assisting, teaching and research activities.
Title: Hemodynamic assessment during off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting
Student: Silvia Minhye Kim
Advisor: Maria José Carvalho Carmona
Co-Supervision: Luiz Francisco Poli de Figueiredo
Date of defense: 23/04/2008
Performance: Anesthesiologist at Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo, participating in the FMUSP Residency Program in Anesthesiology. Assistential, teaching and research activities.